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Bangalore International Center

Design Features


Perfect integration between natural acoustics and electro-acoustics: The hall can be used in all applications involving a sound system (amplified music, cinema, conferences, etc…) and also without using amplification, by natural sound transmission from stage to audience (theatre plays, unplugged music events, etc.).


Sound system integration is designed as an enhancement of natural acoustics, using a clever combination of both. The system has been primarily designed to provide even coverage in loudness (SPL) and tone (frequency response) all over the audience area, leading to a transparent and seamless result.


The modern single surface material shell conceptualised by Hundred Hands provides many acoustic advantages, allowing this space to serve as an effective multi-purpose auditorium. The angular and multi-faceted inner shell creates variably spaced air gaps throughout the auditorium, resulting in excellent absorption across all frequencies.


Silent environment: it is impossible to achieve any level of sound quality when background noise from air conditioning and other sources blur vital micro-information in complex audio signals. We worked extensively to provide solutions for HVAC silencing, while also avoiding any surface rattling (from AC grills, wooden panels and other equipment) at loud levels. The auditorium noise floor has been measured and certified to be NC25.





Project Scope

Turnkey Acoustical Design for Auditorium/Concert Hall
System Tuning and Optimization





Bangalore International Center

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